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According to the last Danish national census, under 6000 people in Denmark are to be considered homeless. According to the Danish National Organization for Homeless People (SAND), the Danish homelessness advocacy group, the real number is roughly double that — around 10,000 to 12,000 people.
Twelve thousand people out of Denmark’s 5.6 million (2014) is about 0.2 percent of the population.
Danes historically have displayed a high level of consciousness and desire in helping others.
Denmark has a very strong tradition and a high degree of voluntary work compared to the rest of Europe and the explanation is found in social trust and the logic of the welfare state.
Due to the financial crisis Greece has experienced increased rates of homelessness, while a great number of people are at risk of poverty and social exclusion.
It is estimated that over the course of a year, over 20,000* people experience homelessness, 85.4 percent of whom are men aged between 35-55. (3.4 million people are living at risk of poverty and social exclusion).
These individuals and families experience a life-altering event such as a job loss, domestic abuse, or other situations and find themselves where they never thought they would be without a home.
Unlike most perceptions, 40% of homeless have drug and alcohol dependency issues, or have mental health problems.  Most individuals facing homelessness want to work and return to a life of self-sufficiency.


The definitions of homelessness in Denmark, Norway and Sweden are quite similar, although there are some minor variations among the countries.
The definition (count) includes:
- rough sleepers
- hostel users
- individuals living in temporary supported accommodation
- in institutions or prisons from which they are due to be released within a short period of time
- The definition also includes categories for people staying temporarily with friends and family
Although the rate of homelessness is probably relatively low in international comparison, it is still noticeable that homelessness remains a substantial problem despite the relatively comprehensive measures aimed at reducing homelessness in the Scandinavian countries.
There is a level of 3.8 homeless per 1000 inhabitants’ in Copenhagen, compared with 2.3 in Stockholm and 2.4 in Oslo.